domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Toys using EDpuzzle


I used this video to introduce the vocabulary about the topic Toys  that we are working in this moment and we can review the prepositions.


+ Warm up activity using flashcards with the main vocabulary (toys) 

During activity: 

+ Listen and watch the video and fill-in a worksheet with the answer in groups


+ Share the answers and correct them.

+ Complete a worksheet about the toys they have seen in the video. 

Tick or cross the toys you have seen in the video.

The objetives are:

+ To introduce the toy vocabulary in a motivated way
+ To practice listening skills
+ To revise prepositions
+ To practice the pronunciation and intonation of new words
+ To revise the writing skills
+ To practise is it...? structure
+ To promote working in groups in silence.

This activity was really funny and the pupils enjoy a lot.  Perhaps, some weren't able to be in silence but the next video would be better.

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