miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

History of Andalusia (Timeline)

I have prepared a timeline about the History of Andalusia, so our class can work this topic. 

-  Learn new vocabulary about this topic
- Adquire new concepts and structures
- Appreciate our history
- Respect other cultures
- Know our origins

This activity is very useful because it's very visual and attractive for kids. I have prepared this timeline alone because my pupils are younger and they haven't got enough knowledge of English to complete this activity.
I showed the timeline in the classroom and pupils liked a lot. They enjoyed and asked about many things about it. 

I think that this tool it's very useful in L1 until they learn more English. Next time I improve using  their interest. 

Timetoast helped me to organize better the information, pupils can see the facts in a different way and they can realized that other cultures lived in Andalusia.

 Click and see the time line

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