jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Good blogs

Good Blogs
My favourite blogs are: 


The first blog has been designed by Rocío. Her blog is very complete and her exercises has been very good and adapted to her pupils. The activities are very motivated and they give you a clear example of the resources we have learned in this process.
All the instructions are very simple and we can understand quickly.
There isn't any negative in her blog, perhaps the appearance, a little dark, but it's easy to solve. New template! 
A really good job. Congratulations!

The second one has been designed by Judith. The activities are very good planned and developed. I liked her activity in Edpuzzle and her activities in Genially. They are very cool.
There's not anything negative to mention about the content.  I liked a lot.  Perhaps, the blog layout, it must be more colorful because the content it's excellent.  
Congratulations, Judith!


I have chosen English teacher Rocío and the activity with Pixton because I think I can adapt it to my class.

They can choose the characters and the scene. They can work a lot of topics.
When they finish the work, they can read the comic many times and show it to theirs families.

We'll create 7 groups of pupils. I'll give them a worksheet with a template and they have to imagine a story and draw the situations using the vocabulary of the unit.

When they finish they'll have to use Pixton and create the comic.

The comics will be publish in the classroom's blog.

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2020

The Body

The body

Our project is going to be about the new topic "The body". I propose to elaborate a game using Genially.
It's a very simple game, using photos and present simple structures.
They have to answer to the questions and go to the finish.
I hope you like.

My book using Storyjumper

This is a book about Toys that I wanted to complete with my pupils.  Only they can do 2 pages because our school has closed. They loved participate in this project and they were very enthusiastic.Some voices are theirs and the rest of words are my daughter. 

When we return, we'll make another. 

I hope you like.

Book titled 'TOYS'
Read this book made on StoryJumper

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Toys using EDpuzzle


I used this video to introduce the vocabulary about the topic Toys  that we are working in this moment and we can review the prepositions.


+ Warm up activity using flashcards with the main vocabulary (toys) 

During activity: 

+ Listen and watch the video and fill-in a worksheet with the answer in groups


+ Share the answers and correct them.

+ Complete a worksheet about the toys they have seen in the video. 

Tick or cross the toys you have seen in the video.

The objetives are:

+ To introduce the toy vocabulary in a motivated way
+ To practice listening skills
+ To revise prepositions
+ To practice the pronunciation and intonation of new words
+ To revise the writing skills
+ To practise is it...? structure
+ To promote working in groups in silence.

This activity was really funny and the pupils enjoy a lot.  Perhaps, some weren't able to be in silence but the next video would be better.